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Test Traffic Working Group

Side Room Floriana III

Test Traffic Working Group Home Page

Dates: Wednesday, 7 October, 14:00-15:30

Side Room Floriana III

A. Administrative Matters

  • Welcome
  • Select scribe
  • Finalise agenda

B. TTM Network Update - Erik Romijn

C. RIPE NCC NetSense Uncovered - Franz Schwarzinger & Vasco Asturiano

D. Throughput Metrics and Packet Delay in TCP/IP Networks - Timur Sultanov

E. IPv6 Deployment Monitoring - Kamal Ahmed

Measurement of progress in IPv6 roll-out is important to saveguard the availability of Internet services to the public in the future. A measurement methodology is presented that provides a metric which aims at determining the current level of IPv6 deployment through a combination of measurements involving websites and end-users. The presentation will also detail on the implementation and use of this methodology which is currently being tested on a limited number of websites. Participating websites may profit for free from the gathered knowledge as they are able to assess IPv6 migration needs based on the measured percentage of IPv6 capable visitors of their website.

F. Possible Working Group Charter Update - Mark Dranse plus chairs.

Proposed new text:
The purpose of the working group is to provide a forum in which the RIPE NCC and the community can collaborate in the areas of data, tools and analysis relating to the Internet and its infrastructure, with a loose focus on monitoring, diagnosis, analysis and forecasting. It is not the purpose of the working group to compare the performance of networks for marketing purposes.

This move away from a strict focus on Test Traffic means that we will have to change the name of the working group. Our 'working title' is MAT-WG, where MAT is an acronym for Measurement, Analysis and Tools, and we welcome your comments on this.